Here is a challenging Mural I did this past February in a tunnel like space that was only 4 feet deep to the wall on both sides and 18 feet long with a rounded ceiling.
They wanted a picture of the Willamett river on both North and South sides of the Sellwood Bridge in Sellwood Oregon. This is what I came up with. A vantage point realisticly from several points painted and elongated to fit some sort of scale as you walk by. The Faux stone work is a texture I added to the paint and added shadows and highlights. When you stand back and observe both sides, an optical illusion happens sort of like an ink blot test. A wide angle lens effect from the landscape, sky and water from both ends blend together to create a seamless form. The Mural was shot with a wide angle lens camera!
This is such a great mural idea, it's kind of hard to see the detail by the pictures but it looks beautiful!
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