Sunday, February 17, 2008

the Artful Dragonflys getting around town and in local magazines!

This is a clipping from the local PDX Magazine Best of Portland.
My Maiden in the Mist paintings hang across the walls of the
Restaurant/Pub. There are some early stage pics of the Murals
before they went to the Restaurant down below. They create a
nice romantic dark voyage through choppy water. You can feel the
spray from the deck when you look deep into the cobalt scene.
I will post some more pics of my own soon.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mural Design mentioned in Portland Monthly's Spaces Magazine.

My Murals were featured in the January 14th issue of portland Monthly's
first Design isuue called "Spaces". They did an article on a new Japanese
style restaurant/bar/hotspot called Yakuza Lounge in NE Portland.
Once I dig up the Article, I'll post it up here.

My name and Murals were mentioned as well as my contact info on the
back cover! Nice.
There have been many reviews about the place recently and the past year.
Many of them usually say something about the colorful japanese style Murals
I did as they catch your eye first as you walk in.

Heres a picture of the interior of Yakuza with my Parasol
Mural painted in the back.

Faux Effects on textured surfaces.

A stucco fireplace wall has the look of cut stone tiles.
With a little help from blending tints and frayed bristle brushes
and an expert eye for design.
My client was happy she didn't have to pay for the real thing and
she was pleased with the results.